3 ways to relieve stress and minimize anxiety

Monday, March 14, 2016

I can think of at least 3 things that has caused stress and anxiety to anyone in their 20's. Supposedly we're expected to graduate college by 21, Have our careers established by 23, and married and starting a family by 25. Well, Most of us didn't graduate at 21, lots of us are still figuring out our career paths, and some of us were blessed with babies before finding our Prince Charming. The reality is we often times get overwhelmed with the idea of what our lives are expected to be verses what they actually are and we find our finds comparing our lives to our peers. It's stressful and slightly discouraging when you're trying to focus on your own greatness, but popular Instagram influencers are constantly highlighting their luxury cars, exotic travels, and expensive clothes. In all honesty the expectations and responsibilities of adulthood can drive you crazy. I'm going to share 3 different ways I've been practicing to relieve my stress and minimize my anxiety.

I light candles, something about my favorite scent lingering in the atmosphere makes me feel at peace. Scents like Eucalyptus are known to cause relaxation, and one of my personal favorites sandalwood and myrrh are both smells that I could never get tired of. Don't overlook stores like Marshall's  and Tj Maxx, I snatched both of these for $2.99 each.

You ever think about how fortunate kids are to sit around and color all day. No responsibility, no worries.  I recently picked up this adult coloring book filled with intricate and detailed patterns. I feel like its a way to escape your troubles for an hour or two and focus on the beauty you can create. I got this one marked down for $3.50 at Tj Maxx. 

3.  Listening to music is also one of my favorite and easiest ways to escape chaos and wind down. If I'm feeling like my energy is off, artist like Jill Scott, Erykah Badu, Mali music as mentioned in a previous post, are all good artist to add to your relaxation playlist.  Their voices have a lullaby effect

Let me know some of the ways you relax when you're stressed. 


  1. Candles are definitely a stress reliever. & I may have to stop by TJ Maxx to scoop a few. I never thought to look there, thanks girl!

    & that coloring book is so cute, lol! Those are definitely some pictures that would look nice in a frame to hang as home decor.

    Those are some great music choices! I also listen to some Sade & Amy Winehouse for some clarity & peace of mind.


  2. Yes Tj Maxx has the hidden gems for the low. Lol
    I had the same idea about the coloring book pictures! Could be a future blog post. And how could I forget about Sade and Amy, their voices are like butter.!
