Why Im taking a social media Hitatus

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Its been well over a month since my last post and to be honest. I haven't been inspired to write. I know its every bloggers excuse when they've been MIA for an extensive period of time but its the truth. I haven't surrounded myself with inspiration other than social media. Which appears to be hindering my creative "juices".  I've considered taking a social media hiatus off and on for awhile now. Like many others, I fall victim to comparing my reality with someone else's curated Instagram feed. Instagram feels more like a distraction than a place for inspiration. I've been on a journey of training my mind to think positive thoughts and manifesting my wants and needs into my reality and  although I don't feel like I completely failed at it. I can say Its a challenge when there's constantly he/say, she/say about what you should be doing, and how you should be feeling and to honest can feel overwhelming at times. Today while Scrolling through Pinterest, I realized that maybe taking a week or two off of social media would allow me to focus on myself. Without distractions and force me to cut the imaginary umbilical cord I have to my phone.

I created a Positive Affirmation and Mantra Board Via Pinterest [here] you're welcome to use whenever you need it.

Share in the comments below where or how you find inspiration.!

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